- ? TBLM-I系列脈沖布筒除塵器: 該設備采用先進技術低壓噴吹清灰,圓筒結構,平底刮板下料,具有低阻高效,離心切向進風節能降耗,降低高度等特點?!?/li>
In the device, the advanced technology, low-pressure injection cleaning, cylindrical structure and flat scraper discharging are used. It is characterized by low resistance, high efficiency, centrifugal and tangential air intake, thus to save energy and reduce consumptions etc. The device can be widely used in foodstuff, light industry, chemical industry, mining, cement, wood and other industries for dust filtration and materials recovery, thus to eliminate pollution and protect the environment.
主要技術參數(Main Technical Data):
通用技術參數(General Technical Data):
安裝形式(Installation Type) 型號含義(Model Implication )
Note:The air inlet out outlet,discharging port and the door position detection process requirements can be manufactured.
外形尺寸(Table of overall Dimensions):